Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Welcome! Finally a post in an URL thats about to extinct.

I hope with this simple blog, I can share with you (family and friends) the experiences I'm experiencing here, miles away from you all. Considering the fact that I have never written any form of diary in my life, and that I have a busy schedule in University, there's no guarantee that it'll be updated on a regular basis. Then again, I will try my very best. So, bookmark my page and pop over to check for new posts now and again.

I am going to finish this post with pictures of my 'home' over here in Manchester. I am staying at Dalton Ellis Hall - A University Hall of Residence in Victoria Park campus and am paying 110pounds per week for a single room with washbasin.

My Worktop.

The room is so narrow, that I felt claustrophobic in the beginning.


Unknown said...

i seriously dont think u will update any more post here.XP

Zheng Xi said...

Eh, put a cbox... easier... haha! Btw, this blog will be dead sooner or later, 99.0% sure... haha!

WanSin said...

hey, nice blog =) update more often k.

Frank said...

can't believe u started a blog too =P. keep it up muff

The moon of fall said...

i like your signiture ^_^
